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Mostrando las entradas de agosto 20, 2006

Prevención a la Mexicana

Mi amigo es Mexicano y no encontró mejor forma de hacerle propaganda los preservativos y/o condones con este disfraz, interesante, ya me imagino que pasaría en Lima si alguien caminara disfrazado de condón y además repartiendo condones a todo el mundo, seguro que muchos los recibirían, pero otros tantos quizá tendrían mucha verguenza de llevarlos en la cartera o en la mochila.

My friend Paul Stamper is here..........

Tonight was a wonderful night, I just came back from a bar, it is a nice place, but the most important thing is that I was sharing that moment with my friend Paul and his girlfriend from Uganda. He was one of the first friends I have here in US, he's back on Baltimore now and working for Hopkins again, that's nice. We've enjoyed a couple of beers tonight, but we also remembered so many beautiful moments that we spent together two years ago, we remembered Christa, Kate, Holger, Willy and Melissa. The Christa's custom party was one of the nice things we experienced together and the rememberings are back.